What a great first week of Basketball

Hi everyone,

Wonderful first week with training and games and the courts look good so we should thank Runcorn State High School for having such a great complex.

Since coming back what has stood out to me was how helpful people have been with signing in at the door, being patient and just being kind to each other so thank you for that. We have also just reached our 400th registrations for this year so that is very exciting.

“When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun & when you have fun, you can do amazing things”. This is what Basketball is about and what we at Rockets strive for.

Basketball is a team sport where I believe our children learn about communicating with a wide range of people, learn to share, learn to listen and take instructions, have respect for others & be reliable. We must always ensure all the players have confidence so that everyone in the team can be relied on. If your child cannot make a game, please contact us as a matter of courtesy. We did get some people contacting us about not being able to play this week which was great so thank you but two teams almost forfeited as the coaches were not told children were not playing and it would have been devastating to those children who did turn up to be told they could not play and also it costs the club $160 when there is a forfeit which is a lot of money when we are a not for profit organisation.

Please talk to your coach about “Team App” so you can keep track of what time your games are on and if you are unable to meet those times, early notification allows the coaches to organise players if required.

My two little bits of information from our Audited financials this week are below:

# Purchase of playing singlets, Tee Shirts & shorts - $25,699. All our children look great, but it does cost the club a lot of money.

# End of year party including Trophies - $3,642. This does not include the smaller break ups we have mid-season, but again what value can you put on a smile of a child.

On Monday at 7pm we have our AGM at the Hibiscus courts. Come and meet the people who do things so your child can have a wonderful time playing Basketball. It would also be great to see you away from Basketball.

Our Sponsors tee shirts have arrived, every child we get one at no cost. – there were some issues with sizes so we are giving the lower age groups theirs first. We have started with the U8/U10 & have done 70% of the children in that age group. We will do them again this Monday and Friday then move to other age groups.

We still have our jackets & hoodies if you are feeling the cold & wanting to look fantastic in Rockets gear.

Mike’s friend has had a great time at training and games – still looking for a name and we have had a few suggestions so thank you.

We do have space in some age groups so if your friends want to play please contact us.

Thank you everyone and take care

From the courts

Mark Smith


Runcorn Rockets Basketball

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