Hi all,

The first week of term two has now been completed and from what I saw over Friday night and Saturday everyone was extremely happy to be back to Basketball.


We have had a couple of forfeits over the season and I’ll try and explain what happens when this occurs. A forfeit occurs when you have 3 or less players for your game, if this occurs the club has to pay for their game and the opponents games which is $160 so it is a very expensive.

If both clubs decide to just have a fun game then each club pays for it’s own game fees. For these games there is no iPad or score board used and no statics kept.

The system will show 20-0 which means it was a forfeit, there are different points given for a win, a loss and a forfeit towards the season points.

Score bench

I did see some coaches running around trying to find someone for the score bench over the weekend. Most of the teams I have had anything to do with we do up a roster so everyone has a turn. Most times you will only ever have to do this twice a season. Your children do enjoy their mum's and dad's being part of things they do, I have seen the change in parents who become coaches and the connection with their children. I sometimes feel sad for those that don’t do small things like scoring as they miss part of their child’s growing up they will never be able to get again.

Training this week


Anzac Day is this Tuesday 25 and we have paid for all the training venues but please check with your coach to see if they have anything personal on that day. It is up to the coach if training is on Tuesday as it is a public holiday and maybe the coach has a family day planned.


This Wednesday is parent / teacher night at Runcorn State high school so the courts are not available. Please contact your coach as we have made other training arrangements for some coaches.

There is no U8/10 on this Wednesday we will try to organise something for you. We will check if the coaches can do a session with you on a Monday or another day, we will send something out.

Representative Basketball

I would like to congratulate all our U12 boys and girls for the representative selection. For those that did not make it sometimes there are a lot of people in your position and it does not mean you are not a good player but just someone was better on the day and that is ok. There are always more opportunities. For those that made it, representative Basketball is not like club Basketball you will not get even time on the court you will have to train hard and at your best at all times. Wishing you all a great season.

I did get a pic of the Rockets boys in the U16 div 1 team – what a handsome bunch

Winter gear

We will have a new pricing for our winter gear done this week as you will be needing it shortly.

Taiwan trip

I would like to think Giggs and Natasha Kudhall from AMA Medical Products for coming on board and joining Kim Marx our local Councillor as a sponsor and supporting our children going on our Taiwanese trip. It truly is very special when our members are supported by business and Local Councillors who do this for the benefit of the community.

Don’t forget about Club Southside if you would like to try to go somewhere a little different, but please ensure that you register when you go there so you can see receive the discount.

Have a great week see you all at the courts.

Mark Smith

Club President

Runcorn Rockets Basketball

Sponsored by & Useful links

Useful links

Online Shop -Uniforms, balls, bags, etc

Welcome Letter -Registration Info

Training Schedule

Basketball Game Draw

Gameday- Online,iPhone& Android

TeamApp - iPhone& Android

GeneralEnquires –

PaymentEnquires – If you have paid your registration ‘in full’ but are still receiving ‘Amount Due’ emails, please allow 2 business days for payments to process before contacting us.

Blue Card Services– All club volunteers must have a QLD Govt Blue Card

Rebel Active Membership- Sign up for a Rebel Active Membership and link it to RuncornRockets next time you’re in store. You’ll get special member offers andour club will receive 5% of your purchases to spend on equipment for everyone to enjoy!

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