Hi everyone,
It was a very busy weekend this week end.
Winter Gear
We had a very busy day on Friday evening and on Saturday morning. I would like to thank all the helpers on both days because without the helpers this could not have been possible so thank you. One team now has every player with a hoodie and they do look really good, they look "hot". With the forecast for next Sunday to be a min of 7 degrees the winter gear will be wonderful.
We will still sell our winter gear at the subsided price for a little while longer - I will also send out something with what stock is still available.
Season end
We have 2 more weeks of our normal season and then finals start. We know teams 1 through to 4 play in the finals but I not sure if in U12 & U14 that team position 5 through to 8 play. I have a meeting this week and we will know more about who plays finals and I will ask when we can start to register for season 2.
Basketball Qld have to change their registration date and once this is done we can all register for next season.
This season we have 759 registered players on our system and I would like you all to get first priority coming back.
Calamvale community college will also be available next season.
Movie on Saturday
What a fantastic turnout on Saturday afternoon and it was wonderful that everyone could share the movie with their Basketball friends. We had just on 400 people attend our Movie day at Garden City. A bit of a surprise would have been the power point with pics and music we did of all the children and it was played before the movie. The kids did look good on the big screen.
Yes everyone was hungry lining up for food
Watching the children playing games before the show started.
Rockets is much more than a Basketball club and I am so pleased that everyone can enjoy so many more things that we do.
These movie days and all our winter gear is considerably subsidies by Rockets and it does take a lot of organising. We could not do these days without our volunteers and I would like to thank everyone involved with the movie and selling all of our Winter gear over the weekend.
I will send out links to holiday camp in the next couple of weeks if the children would like to do something over the break. Rockets will not have a camp but I will send links to others that are having camps.
AGM & Taiwan tour
We have our first meeting of our Taiwan tour on Sunday at Club Southside 76 Mount Gravatt Capalaba Road, Upper Mount Gravatt 4122 at 9:30am and this will be followed by our AGM at 10:30 am.
At the Taiwan tour meeting we will go through the tour gear supplied by Kim Marx who is our local Councillor and dates of games and itinerary.
See you all at the courts
Useful links
Online Shop -Uniforms, balls, bags, etc
Welcome Letter -Registration Info
Gameday- Online,iPhone& Android
GeneralEnquires –
PaymentEnquires – If you have paid your registration ‘in full’ but are still receiving ‘Amount Due’ emails, please allow 2 business days for payments to process before contacting us.
Blue Card Services– All club volunteers must have a QLD Govt Blue Card
Rebel Active Membership- Sign up for a Rebel Active Membership and link it to RuncornRockets next time you’re in store. You’ll get special member offers andour club will receive 5% of your purchases to spend on equipment for everyone to enjoy!
ROCKETS REPORT | Holiday camps and Winter gear | 04/06/2024 | 4875 |
ROCKETS REPORT | Nearly the end of season 1 | 04/06/2024 | 4726 |
ROCKET CAM | U10 Game Videos!! | 12/05/2024 | 5162 |
ROCKETS REPORT | U8 - WEEK ONE OF TERM 2 | 18/04/2024 | 4670 |
ROCKETS REPORT | Things occuring in April and May | 12/04/2024 | 4394 |
Announcement | AmericaTour | 10/04/2024 | 4591 |
ROCKETS REPORT | MOVIE DAY - SUNDAY 21st APRIL | 08/04/2024 | 5469 |
ROCKETS REPORT | Camp for U12, U10/8 | 04/04/2024 | 4598 |
ROCKETS REPORT | AGM Rockets Basketball | 01/04/2024 | 4664 |